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Use Cases

Live Debugging: Production, Dev, and Staging

Rookout is built to be production-grade and also works in dev and staging. In our modern age, when other environments become as complex and nearly as critical as Production itself, many dev teams find value in using Rookout there too. Think, for example, of debugging Kubernetes in Minikube on your local machine. Rookout makes it possible.

Dynamic Logging

Dev teams often suffer from logging-FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): trying to log everything all the time. This generates a significant amount of garbage logs and horrid signal/noise ratios. By shifting their logging mindset to Rookout, teams reduce FOMO, logging costs, and most importantly the heavy labor required to support intense logging pipelines and cleanups.

Dynamic Alerting and Monitoring

Devs use Rookout as an effective alert management channel. By combining Rookout's dynamic nature with its ability to pinpoint services/flows and drive data into any platform, devs create on-demand alerts, and on-the-fly targeting of specific errors, usage patterns, user sessions, and more. They then view the data in their interface of choice (e.g. Slack, Sumo-logic, Datadog, Pagerduty)

On-Demand Pinpoint Profiling

Metadata can be just as important as the data itself. Devs use Rookout to explore areas where they have performance concerns and pinpoint the exact line that impacts performance.

On-Demand Tracing

By connecting Rookout to existing tracing solutions, developers have not only been adding log lines but also full-stack traces with new spans.

Dev Collaboration and Handoffs

With Rookout devs see each others’ work side by side, and avoid stepping on their teammates’ toes. It allows teams to run separate yet sharable views on top of the software. As a result, Rookout has become a single source of truth; a goto place for devs to see reality as it is and collaborate on it, thus solving the classic "it works on my machine" saga.

Rookout can be used by devs, SREs and Support Engineers, who can all share views and create better handoff flows.

Dev Training and Onboarding

Diving into new code is hard. It is twice as hard when it’s legacy code, or in general, code written by someone else. Rookout allows devs to speed up their learning process by letting them observe the unfamiliar code “in the wild”: as it’s running live in its true surroundings.

On-Demand Analytics

We’ve learned devs are not the only ones who need data from code. Product, Marketing, Sales, BI, and others, want that data too. Rookout saves developers coding time by collecting the data their colleagues need. Some non-dev professionals and teams can even use Rookout on their own, easily collecting data points.