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ETL Controller Installation

Please note that the ETL Controller feature is only available on the Enterprise plan. Contact us to enable the ETL Controller feature for your organization.

Follow these installation instructions to deploy the ETL Controller in your environment, either on Kubernetes or Docker.


There are two ways to deploy the ETL Controller on Kubernetes.

Install using Helm

To install our Helm chart, execute according to your Helm version:

helm repo add rookout
helm repo update
helm install --name my-controller rookout/controller --set controller.token=[Your Rookout Token]

Install without Helm

If you're not using Helm with your Kubernetes cluster, you'll still be able to deploy the Controller.

Helm is needed to be installed locally (Helm) in order to create the yaml file from the templates.

First, Clone our Helm charts repository and go to the directory called "charts/controller".

Next, execute according to your Helm version:

helm template . --set controller.token=[Your Rookout Token] --name=my-controller > rookout-controller.yaml

This command should create a file called "rookout-controller.yaml" including the Kubernetes deployment and service configuration.

To apply the configuration, execute:

kubectl apply -f rookout-controller.yaml


To deploy the Controller as a Docker container (using this image), execute the following:

docker run -p 7488:7488 -e "ROOKOUT_TOKEN=[Your Rookout Token]" rookout/controller

Next Steps

The instructions above describe how to deploy the Controller with the most basic configuration.

When the Controller successfully connects to Rookout, it should appear in the Rookout app under Settings > Connected Applications > Controllers.

To connect Rookout SDK instances to the ETL Controller, set ROOKOUT_CONTROLLER_HOST and ROOKOUT_CONTROLLER_PORT environment variables for the SDK (or use per-SDK start function parameters).

ROOKOUT_CONTROLLER_HOST should start with ws:// for unencrypted connections (when using the Controller's PLAIN server mode without a TLS termination proxy) or wss:// for encrypted connections (using TLS mode or a TLS termination proxy).

To further configure your Controller installation:

  • Kubernetes - add configuration values to the values.yaml file or the installation command using --set.
  • Docker - add configuration values as environment variables using the -e flag.

Read more about encryption, and all other configuration values here.